Leveraging Holistic Technology to Optimize Care

healthcare provider

The world of healthcare is changing rapidly, and technology has begun to play a greater role in driving that transformation. While holistic healthcare technologies cover a wide range of innovative tools & systems, it’s a principle that lies at the core of Holon Solutions & our mission.

From telemedicine to artificial intelligence: we believe that thoughtful, human-centered technology has the power to revolutionize patient care and treatment outcomes.

Let’s delve into the topic of holistic technology and how it can change healthcare forever.

Cloud-Powered Possibilities

Cloud-based solutions can revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered by providing access to cost-effective, real-time data and analytics. With cloud-powered systems, clinicians & other stakeholders can track and monitor patient information in real-time — no matter where treatment is taking place. With 72% of physicians reporting they don’t have the information they need to make clinical decisions, the time for cloud is now.

These integrated systems are also hugely cost-effective. Most cloud-users in the healthcare space are able to reduce care-costs by a factor of 20% within the first year of adoption. By consolidating data flows into a singular network, payers & providers are both able to eliminate redundant processes (i.e. data entry and administrative tasks).

Intelligent Analytics

By way of their connective nature, cloud-based healthcare systems make great ecosystems for intelligent, data-driven analyses. Through deep learning algorithms as well as “big picture” dashboards as well as deep learning algorithms, intelligent cloud solutions unlock a potent web of clinical insight.


Specialized dashboards provide invaluable resources for those involved in the care process, allowing them to quickly view trends, analyze the current state of affairs, and even predict future outcomes. From data related to treatment efficacy and diagnosis to claims & testing, these dashboards serve as a dependable, constant source of information.

What’s more, they offer an easy way to digest data points and detect changes in the data in order to make more informed decisions. In a nutshell, these dashboards provide a comprehensive, at-a-glance view of all potential data care teams need to make the best decisions possible and provide the highest level of care.

Deep Learning

Another source of intelligent, cloud-powered insight comes via machine learning (ML). ML refers to a group of computer-based statistical techniques that, when applied to data at scale, can uncover deep value beyond the grasp of the human mind. Once deployed in the scope of healthcare & the broader medical ecosystem, ML-powered IT solutions can redefine treatment practices.

It empowers providers to deliver personalized care to each of their patients, armed with a universal source of medical intelligence. Payers & other treatment stakeholders can finally take a birds-eye view of their populations, assess empirical trends, and proactively plan an intervention to avoid negative outcomes. Ultimately, it’s clear that intelligent, holistic solutions can provide a more efficient & effective mechanism to facilitate healthcare.

Relieving Operational and Administrative Burdens

Leveraging holistic technology can also help optimize healthcare by removing some of its business-facing challenges.

For instance, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help automate mundane tasks — filing patient paperwork or claim data, checking for coding errors, or even providing administrative support to medical staff. Through automation, AI enables healthcare providers and other treatment stakeholders to save time, energy, and resources. All of that can now be dedicated to uplifting the patient experience.

Further, automated task flows can also help reduce administrative costs and errors associated with manual processing, while also reducing time spent on billing. Machines rarely make mistakes, which means they provide greater efficiency and accuracy when it comes to rote and mundane tasks.

By leveraging holistic technology to automate mundane tasks, healthcare providers and other treatment stakeholders can lift operational burdens, allowing them to focus on providing quality patient care.

Wrapping Up

The future is here.  Holon is committed to providing personalized and human-centric tools and technology to care teams so they can focus on delivering better patient care.

With tailor-made offerings for a variety of healthcare stakeholders, we strive to deliver unprecedented visibility paired with analytical intelligence. Because healthcare should feel human.